Tuesday, September 25, 2012

uneasy..terribly uneasy..

upset about the lost wallet, keys..but even more so about their lack of return and what it means

Thursday, September 20, 2012

i would like to see more written about the emotional, psychological and intellectual benefits of a university education rather than the constant chatter about employment: "Unemployed, Unhappy, and Drowning in Debt"

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

i miss school. i miss it. i hurt.

i love auditing, but i feel apart from it all; outside of student life.. student experience.. in an irredeemable way

Monday, September 17, 2012

f's phrase of the month:

darling..maybe your huffing and puffing is related to your hiccups...your diaphragm is..i don't know..very jewish

Sunday, September 16, 2012

i am the only person on earth who can lose a purse full of government IDs, bank cards, and items of sentimental value - yours and mine

if it's not returned, it will be the very first time in all my history of losses

i'm simply.. at a loss for words

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

...چهار سال پیش

عشق من
گل من

Sunday, September 9, 2012

i don't know what to say. i'm simply ashamed of what's happening here...

i want to believe that the conservative government is at fault; that everyone who voted for Harper as a strategic alternative to the fiscally-irresponsible liberals shot him/herself in the foot.. but i know i'm running from the possibility of the liberals having done the same due to a political climate dominated by hypocrites, bullies and opportunists

as with every other move meant to 'isolate oppressive regimes,' this will only hurt ordinary people - iranians wishing to come here, or those already here, for whom it will become infinitely more difficult to visit loved ones... gather official documents... live, in short, with the knowledge that an official route exists

case in point: yesterday, we spent 20 minutes devising various strategies that will allow farzaneh to renew her passport

and on a personal note - i wanted desperately to visit in the next few years.. how can i do that now

we have made a giant leap forward in the isolation and alienation of 100,000 iranian-canadians (those, that is, who still have ties at home; who are here for the freedom of maintaining those ties). and for a country that prides itself on hyphenated identities... this is absolutely ludicrous

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

lost pet posters are wildly upsetting as it is.. but when the cat looks like dooneh, my heart literally implodes