Friday, August 28, 2015

because i was reminded of it recently, and because of our guests from berlin, i dreamt of singing along to tumbalalaika among a dinner table of german-speakers
a unique sense of childhood accompanied by the weight of nostalgia and loss

Thursday, August 27, 2015

does he kiss your eyelids in the morning
when you start to raise your head
and does he sing to you incessantly
in the space between your bed and wall...

a great, great high school song that has--shockingly, inexplicably--withstood the test of time

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

all night, i dreamt of homeless people. i felt quite apart from them although i, too, was looking for a place to sleep. i found what looked like a mechanic's shop, but the men there seemed rowdy and slightly drunk. i found a tiny run-down room with four people to a bed...

then, lying on a doorstep, a girl who looked so much like my sister, who had nearly drowned, and who was still soaking wet. she tried hard to speak, but nothing came out. i put my hand on her bloody belly and stayed to comfort her until she passed..

i don't know where i slept, or if i did

i returned to the area the next day to find the police doing a "sweep".. children being removed from the bike shops where they "lived".. families packing up. i was concerned they'd arrest me, for some reason, and walked in the opposite direction

Monday, August 24, 2015

جان دلم
милая моя
אני אוהבת אותך

no language is enough

warmest, dearest birthday thoughts and wishes

Sunday, August 16, 2015

miss fisher's murder mysteries

maybe the best line of the series:

Isobelle, facing two policemen: so, which one of you wants to inspect me?

Friday, August 7, 2015

i haven't seen the last episode yet, but i really, really, really can't believe the daily show is over. anticipating an emotional night...

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Вспоминаю, как утречком раненько
Брату крикнуть успел: "​​Пособи!"
И меня два красивых охранника
Повезли из Сибири в Сибирь.